The delicious rise of content strategy

OK, so I couldn’t wait a year to return to this one.

In fact, it’s just shy of eight months since I charted the number of delicious bookmarks tagged with ‘content strategy’ and found that there’d been a significant increase in bookmarking between the back end of 2008 and the first half of of 2009.

The data available to me at the time only went up as far as June, but we now have an additional seven month’s worth that takes us up to February of this year. Well, if that’s not an excuse to plot some more points on the graph then I don’t know what is.

So, what can we try and deduce from this data? Is it pointing to an increasing level of awareness of content strategy and its wider benefits? Unquestionably. Could this be the direct result of the community and its most vocal evangelists helping to bang the drum by openly sharing their knowledge and experience? Almost certainly. Is 2010 the year it goes mainstream? It looks that way.

Best give it a year eight months before I revisit the data again.